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Helping Those Affected by Hurricane Sandy

Posted on January 5, 2013

Hurricane Sandy devastated many areas in New York City including Brooklyn, NY. As part of The Cuddy Law Firm’s ongoing community service efforts, we organized a gift drive for students with disabilities at P.S. 77K. Many of the students and families lost virtually everything in the storm. We were able to provide coats, hats, gloves, bedding and new clothes to the students. Many of our staff, colleagues and friends donated gift cards and other items. We delivered the items the week before Christmas to a Parent Coordinator at the school.

Last week, I received a letter from one of the students (a young man with autism) thanking everyone for his new coat. I have always believed that the holidays are a time to count one’s blessings and give back to the community, especially to our most needy individuals. We will continue to look for ways to help our communities during the coming year.

Everyone at The Cuddy Law Firm wishes you a Healthy and Happy New Year!


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