If you’re a parent of a child with disabilities, you know how important education and information are. But you may be unsure of how the special advocacy and litigation process will work for your child. While it’s impossible for us to give you legal advice in just one phone call, our New York special education attorneys are happy to review your child’s education records, including evaluations, the current IEP and any correspondence from the school district.
Once we’ve reviewed all of your child’s information, we’ll help develop a strategy to move forward to ensure your child is getting an appropriate education. To start, one of our paralegals will obtain financial information from you, should you wish to proceed to engage our attorneys to represent you in a due process hearing or a court matter. The reason we ask for financial information is to take into account your family’s unique financial status before quoting you a retainer amount.
We know how intimidating it may be to think about paying for a special education attorney to represent your family. But don’t worry, we’ll work closely with your family and may offer you reduced or no-cost services, if you qualify financially.
We take great pride in helping families like yours getting legal help for their child’s educational rights.
The special education attorneys at the Cuddy Law Firm are always out there fighting for what families need. See this New York Bar Association newsletter including an article from one of our lawyers on how families with limited financial means can afford attorneys.
For help with your child’s particular situation, get in touch with us.
No matter where you are in the process, if you think your child isn’t receiving an appropriate education, call our special education attorneys in New York right away.