Your child has fallen far behind in reading or other academics. He or she has started getting into trouble at school. He vents his frustration by bullying others, or playing the class clown.
The school responds with punishment, not help for your child.
You don’t have to put up with this.
You can get the education services your child deserves. The Cuddy Law Firm has decades of experience fighting for the rights of children with disabilities.
If you have a child with disabilities that hinder learning, it’s easy to feel alone. Taking on maze of regulations by yourself is daunting.
But you need to know you’re doing everything you can to give your child the best chance to thrive.
The Cuddy Law Firm navigates the system for you, pursuing every opportunity for your child, taking your case to hearing officers, state review officers and, if necessary, to court.
At the Cuddy Law Firm, we understand the financial burdens of raising a child with disabilities.
Cost should never get in the way of your child’s needs.
We offer reduced cost or free services to qualifying families. In some cases, we can recover our fees from the offending school district.
A New Chance to Thrive: A school district failed to address the needs of a student with a speech impairment.
The Cuddy Law Firm turned the situation around, winning these improvements:
Winning Better Services: A special education child went for three years without getting a fresh evaluation from the school.
The Cuddy Law Firm argued the child’s case at a hearing, winning a reading evaluation, a psychological evaluation, an assistive technology evaluation and a new individualized education program.
The district even allowed the child to attend a non-public school at district expense.
When you discover someone will listen to you and stand up for your child, it fills you with hope.
Attorney Andrew Pappert takes great pride in helping families in need. He gives personal attention to every case because he knows nothing is more personal than the well-being and education of your child.