Call a Special Education Lawyer 800.418.5904

Fighting for Your Child with Autism

Get Help Securing Your Child’s Education in Cleveland

You keep getting phone calls asking you to pick up your child from school because the teachers can’t handle a student with autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.

The school isn’t following your child’s Individualized Education Program. Administrators are punishing your child.

You don’t have to put up with this.

It’s against the law for a public school to deny your child a free and appropriate education.

You can get the education services your child deserves. The Cuddy Law Firm has decades of experience fighting for the rights of children with disabilities.

Give Your Child Every Chance

If you have a child on the autism spectrum, it’s easy to feel alone. Taking on maze of regulations by yourself is daunting.

But you need to know you’re doing everything you can to give your child the best chance to thrive.

The Cuddy Law Firm navigates the system for you, pursuing every opportunity for your child, taking your case to hearing officers, state review officers and, if necessary, to court.

What Does It Cost?

At the Cuddy Law Firm, we understand the financial burdens of raising a child with disabilities.

Cost should never get in the way of your child’s needs.

We offer reduced cost or free services to qualifying families. In some cases, we can recover our fees from the offending school district.

Who We’ve Helped: Success Stories

Restoring Services: A boy with autism was left without a teacher when the school district cut his teacher’s job.

His parents pulled him out of school. The school district refused to help them find a private program. A hearing officer placed all the burden on the parents to find an alternative education setting.

The Cuddy Law Firm argued the case before a state review officer and won. The state ordered the district to restore the services it denied when it fired the teacher.

Finding a Better Way:A boy with autism entered a new school program, but his behavior sharply deteriorated. Instead of fixing the program, the school cut it to a half day.

The Cuddy Law Firm argued the school district was responsible for providing services that work for the child.

A hearing officer ordered the district to serve the boy in his home, full-time.

Your Cleveland Lawyer: Andrew Pappert

When you discover someone will listen to you and stand up for your child, it fills you with hope.

Attorney Andrew Pappert takes great pride in helping families in need. He gives personal attention to every case because he knows nothing is more personal than the well-being and education of your child.

Protect Your Child’s Future.
Contact us today.

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